Our Vision
To make a Kingdom impact in our city, our province, our nation & the ends of the earth. Your giving will support ministries & organisations who are directly helping the poor & needy, oppressed, marginalized & forgotten. Ultimately we want to see the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed & expressed through doing Good Works.
Our Focus
The Ottawa Mission
The Ottawa Mission works with people experiencing homelessness and poverty to make a change in their lives. Whether it’s providing a place to sleep and a meal to eat, or offering educational support and job training, The Ottawa Mission helps rebuild lives every day. 1,830 individuals are sheltered annually and 2,897 meals are served daily.
Your giving towards Good Works will provide meals and shelter here in Ottawa. Just $4.68 provides a warm, nourishing meal. Your generosity provides meals which opens the door to job training, safe shelter, mental health and addiction support and more.
Lanark County Interval House
The Lanark County Interval House has a mission to help and rescue abused women and children from abusive homes in rural counties surrounding ottawa. They provide emergency and temporary housing, legal support, practical support and counselling.
Your generosity in this year’s Good Works offering will go directly towards the purchasing of items the LCIH Shelter urgently needs in order to care for and support women and their children escaping domestic violence. (i.e. Baby wipes, Diapers, Food, Gift Cards, Bed & Bathroom Supplies, Kitchenware etc.)
Fresh Hope Canada
Fresh Hope Canada’s mission is to create safe environments both in First Nation communities and in Northern communities where Indigenous youth can encounter HOPE, in the person of Jesus. Their goal is to see thousands of Indigenous youth across Canada transformed by the love of Jesus and empowered to take the message of the Gospel into neighbouring communities & reserves.
Your generosity in Good Works will help support teams being sent out to First Nation communities and in Northern communities to proclaim the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus to Indigenous youth and adults.
Mama Imara
Mama Imara (in Uganda, Africa) exists to ensure maternal care is continually available for women through their pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal period. The care women receive should be free, accessible, dignified, and compassionate at all times and Mama Imara is committed to supporting the provision of this care to vulnerable women.
Your giving into Good Works helps us provide the annual salary of a midwife as they do this incredible work in Uganda in bringing new life into the world!
A small % of Good Works will also be set aside to support local missions, needs and initiatives as they arise and as the Holy Spirit leads us.
give to good works
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Send Good Works Offerings to: info@localchurch.co
(it’s .co - not .com)
Don’t forget to add a note on the e-transfer: ‘Good Works’