
Our discipleship process.

to have a church full of devoted disciples of Jesus, empowered to make a difference in our local communities.



Sundays and Groups are your first steps & our WELCOME into the discipleship journey.

we don’t walk alone, we walk together.

your group leader.

Alongside the Holy Spirit, your helper during the welcome step is your group leader.


First Sunday and joining a team are your next steps into furthering your discipleship.

we don’t walk alone, we walk together.

your team leader.

Alongside the Holy Spirit, your helper during your activated step is your team leader.


In-person classes & our video teachings are your next steps into furthering your discipleship.

we don’t walk alone, we walk together.

your class leader.

Alongside the Holy Spirit, your helper during the learn step is your class leader


Intentional discipleship and peer mentor training are your next steps to becoming a disciple.

we don’t walk alone, we walk together.

your discipleship mentor

Alongside the Holy Spirit, your helper during the known step is your discipleship mentor.